All material copyright 2007-2025 by DianaDee Osborne; all rights reserved. For PERMISSIONS see Rights  tab


MOST IMPORTANT to know: the  TRUE AUTHOR  of  the   over 400   
free-for-private-use songs in this website is our  AMAZING GOD.
"DianaDee" is "just"  the legal OWNER  of these songs & all arrangements & tracks... 
all of which are copyrighted :)

DOWNLOAD  INSTRUCTIONS                 (see Rights below)

for audio files like MP3s: 
(1a) Right-Click on PLAY button (green on page) on web page, OR 
(1b) While playing & dark audio screen, right-click on the Play bar 

(2)   Select SAVE AUDIO AS. 
(3)   Give a filename to save to your computer with title and artist name.
                                       EXAMPLETrue Friend Jesus by DianaDee Osborne 

For PDF  music & lyric sheets:   Just right-click on icon & save to your device with title and artist name as shown above in (3).


The songs on this website were developed for use by persons 
who seek to serve our LORD GOD  in personal worship,  church worship, 
leading worship from a stage, or thru  recording songs of God 
to distribute to the world.  

Your RIGHTS & PERMISSIONS     granted by owner DianaDee.Osborne:

EVERY song PLUS its supporting audio tracks & music sheets that are provided on this website is officially copyrighted;  EVERY printout or hard media CD/audio copy
is required by U.S. Law to contain the copyright symbol, year of song, and name, per this example:   ©2007-2014 DianaDee Osborne; all rights reserved.     

This actually protects songs for YOUR usage also-- so that no one can take away the permission that I give to you:

  -  You MAY make copies for personal  or non-profit WORSHIP usage (with © info above);
  -  You MAY use in church (with copyright info OR CCLI info given)
          this includes performance for NON-profit worship, teaching sessions, plays, etc.
  -  You MAY post on blogs, Facebook, Pinterest, e-mail, Twitter (with copyright info);
           this includes website links to either pages or to actual AUDIO FILE links.


CCLI application completed or in progress, for song use by churches;
Yet   you MAY use these for worship  services even without CCLI membership.
If you are a member: Please report use on CCLI reports
          so that MORE songs may be developed for our LORD.

          To use songs or pieces in recordings or on stage, obtain specific permission by
contacting DianaDee using the information on the Home Page;  I recommend using
my professional  Facebook  page  -- DianaDee.Osborne -- 
as the fastest contact method, via Message.                (Facebook LINK is on HOME page).

BANDS and singers  are invited to contact for permission to use songs, incl. recordings; but
**  Re-recording in ANY format is forbidden by Law without specific written permission. 
**  Public performance for profit or "donations" is forbidden w/o specific written permission.
**  Changing words is forbidden for any reason, though you may contact to seek permission;
                        minor music changes  ARE  allowed.

NOTE:   I  DO  want God's songs to spread His Word.... 
                             I'll probably give permission!  Just ask:)
           -- DianaDee Osborne                                                
               FACEBOOK = dianadee.osborne                         last update  13 October 2015
    DIE to self, DO for Christ, REFLECT  God --
 all with the Holy Spirit's Help -- 2nd Corinthians 3:18