THE MOST IMPORTANT info is halfway down.... about the TRUE AUTHOR of MUSIC for
the over 500 free -for-private-use songs in this website. If you're skimming... please
skip down to info about our AMAZING GOD and His Ephesians 3:20-21 empowering...
to ALL who love Him and seek to give Him glory...... "DianaDee" is just one of those... :)
The songs on this website were developed for use by persons
who seek to serve our LORD GOD in personal worship, church worship,
leading worship from a stage, or thru recording songs of God
to distribute to the world. FUTURE songs are available to artists; contact us! :)
The following Christ-following persons are part of this music ministry for
YHWH God (Exodus 3:14) :
ABOUT Claxton Wilson, owner/producer of Valley
Worship & Praise Productions Studio.
Since 2008, Claxton has provided all the exciting live drum
tracks and the slappin' and intricate bass skills that are way
beyond DianaDee's slide skills! He has produced final versions
of 99+ % of these songs... AND designed & maintains this
fantastic website-- for the LORD God Whom he dearly loves
and serves with much technology skill.
ABOUT Johnny Kyle,
owner/producer of J & T Studio.
By Spring 2010, the LORD was so graciously honoring
DianaDee with so many songs that it was difficult to
find time at VwP to record them all. Through a
literal God-incidence that was quite unlikely without
God, DianaDee 'found' Johnny's studio and began
recording Stage 2 tracks there. (Stage 1 tracks are
created in her business studio.)
Johnny provides not just great rock sounds but also the
amazing lead guitar tracks heard on many songs
.... beginning with his heart wrenching skills for
Broken & Healed Prayer ('The Old Rugged Cross').
Check the RESOURCES tab TOPICS for GUITAR list of
more of Johnny's tremendous lead guitar work! |
Many thanks go to not only Claxton Wilson of C & M Enterprises for web design and management of literally 1,000s of files and 100s of Recording Projects, but also to
Brad Sewell at MetaPros Website Solutions 1-800-385-1953
for all his work coordinating to host and maintain connections for this huge professional music resource for musicians.
God has provided persons who serve Him also through this ministry. These include
Rick Blankenship, who does all the Hebrew Alphabet and definition readings for songs in the Psalm 119 Loving Living Word series; Carey Priebe who played bass for all the songs recorded in 2008 and early 2009; Nick Boucher on lead guitar for Amazing Grace Blues, not only on the recordings but also for many worship services. The two professional studio
producers and their children also have helped with scripture readings and 'acts' within songs. My thanks to Nate and D.J. (see Cracked Mirror for their play), Kyrstin and Ryan.
ABOUT DianaDee Osborne, owner of Osborne "INK" and
("DIe to self, DO for Christ, Reflect God -- all with the Holy Spirit's gifts of power
& wisdom"), recorded all other vocals and instruments including rhythm guitar,
slide bass, keyboards, and midi instrument flutes and oboes, and with God's
help even some not-too-bad drum tracks and texture backgrounds.
The ministry name DiDoReflections is also the basic description of
DianaDee -- Just an ordinary woman who loves music and yearns to give God
joy by developing music gifts and ideas HE provides. And, praying fervently
that YOU will find joy and deep peace yourself, within these songs of God.
BASIC INFO that explains why so many songs focus on God's COMMANDMENTS --
even though we CANNOT earn salvation... SUMMARY: When we love Someone,
we do what They... He... already said He likes. Download: 
ABOUT THE AUTHOR OF THESE SONGS, info provided by DianaDee Osborne:
There were just under 400 "DianaDee" songs on the World Wide Web as of 1 Nov
2014. The 1st & 2nd song were written in late 2007. That means -- to make
the math easy for you -- 7 years averaging 55 songs per year. These ARE
good-demo quality, not mastered. Now at over 490 songs, Dec 2016: GOD's !
This does not even count all the song drafts, pre-set up for music, on FUTURE Tabs: God's!
SONG AUTHOR IS Creative Creator GOD, and not DianaDee:
1. THESE ARE COMPLETED SONGS... they seem not too bad, and also seem quite unique from each other.... over 55 per year average for SEVEN years canNOT be "me". It's God.
2. THERE ARE Many-- MANY STYLES. There's Rock, Hard Rock, Jazz, Ragtime, Country, Renaissance, Classical, Praise style, a humorous couple of Hip Hops, hymns, and "Weird".... I can't figure out how to classify some like Combinatoric Waves Peace.
It's been my constant FERVENT prayer that God would honor me with developing SO many songs in SO many styles that these themselves would be a Witness to God's Glory and Might.... that they themselves give you more evidence of His Ephesians 3:20-21 offer of empowering for YOU also..... God's offer of James 1: 5-6 offer of wisdom for YOU also, like for any of us who simply humbly ask as a way to show Him love and worship. God answering "Jabezian Prayers" (see song)
BECAUSE ................
No single person can write all of this out of even true human genius. And I'm assuredly no genius. I have to read chord books to figure out what that chord in my head is that "just came out" for a song, so that I can write it on the music sheet for other people. I still have to pray for timing skills. Beginning in 2006, I began praying daily to write songs.... see I Choose Your Choice ... but they were -- frankly-- BORING as DUST.
(My apologies to microbiologists and geologists who enjoy dust.)
An erroneous (not mean) discussion on 7 March 2008 created heartbreak that still aches (see 'Third of Despair and Hope")... AND YET once again God proved His Romans 8:28 promise is true! On the 3rd day, God began this outpouring of one song per week average, starting with Above My Sorrow Sea -- written in 20 minutes that March 10th...
I had prayed daily often on knees for 21 months to write "a few songs" for God, and look at what HE suddenly answered! Ephesians 3:20-21... FAR, far beyond what I had asked or could ever dream. Even now I am still **SO** astounded and humbled by the honor of developing our God's songs.
That same promise is for you, for anyone: God invites us to experiment to see His goodness: Malachi 3:10-14 (for all people, per God thru Romans 11), Psalm 34:8. Just ask God..... Jesus and God's Biblical prophets repeatedly gave God's word: "Seek." "Ask." Deuteronomy 4:29. Matthew 7:7. Jeremiah 29:11-14.... WHOEVER seeks humbly with his or her whole heart shall be AMAZED at the JOY-filled finding!
--DianaDee Osborne last update 19 December 2016
DIE to self, DO for Christ, REFLECT God --
all with the Holy Spirit's Help -- 2nd Corinthians 3:18
DianaDee Osborne