Setup |
FUTURE songs from GOD:
Purple = 2019
used at the time
EXAMPLE 30-NIJ : Typed
directly into Computer file |
<< NIJ
"Gift of Criticism" ISN'T |
Gal 5: 19-23 Gifts of Spirit don't... |
PRIDE vs Discernment. Eph 4:15 |
32-364 |
Gifted-ness With Laziness |
Ps 139, Jer 29:11-14, Prov 3:5-7 |
Don't Squander yr Unique Gift Set |
32-332 |
God Calls To Fight
Ezekiel 23:28, Lev. 19
God SENDS us out
God Defeats Your "-ATIONS"
Nehemiah 6: 8-13
FUN Vocab song, Encouragemt
31-192 |
God Gives Power When |
Isaiah 40, Ephesians 3:20-21 |
God gives power, wisdom, safety |
32-274 |
God IS In Control BUT |
Gen 3:1, 2 Cor 11:3, John 8:444, . |
God's control ALLOWs free will
32-199 |
God Saw Fit For Me |
Proverbs 3: 5-7 fits song. |
God knows best & chooses It. |
34-028 |
God Versus alllah


Exodus 3:14, Deut 4:29, Isa 1:18
Creator God's name = YHWH,
He tells us Himself;
translated as LORD in Bibles.
God's Final Joke
Romans 8 end, James 4:7-8
Satan can't win!
God's Higher Law: GRACE
Concept: CS Lewis's ASLAN, "Lion, Witch &...." |
Heb 5:9, 9:22; Gal 3:3, Matt 5:18
saved from CURSE; Law is good,
allows God's Son's sacrifice for us |
God's NAME & NOT Name
Exodus 3:14-15, Isa 42:6, Zec 2 |
Many "names" really titles or
descriptions of God-Named-YHWH |
34-100 |
"God's Opinion" PRAYER


2 Corin 3:18, Romans 1 End
Do I TRULY want it ??
God's Word is "WERE" !


1st Corinthians 6: 9-11
Exciting Promise here!
Grace Didn't Replace |
Acts 6:10-14, John 14:10 & 15:10 |
FALSE witnesses said Jesus said... |
32-228 |
Grand Canyon Baby
(Amazing SAVIOR 'n' Science album)
Earth AGE +Mt. St. Helens Science |
Gen. 1 Earth on Day 1; Romans 1 |
36-028 |
Half Staff Flag Nation
Deut 8:11-17, Deut 30, Luke 17
God warns America too
Hands Off My Children!
Ezekiel 37 & 38; Gen 4:14-15
God Protects Israel
Has Been Friend Jesus |
John 15:13, Heb 13:5 & 8, Mal 3:6 |
Times when Jesus is ALWAYS Frnd |
33-043 |
Happy, Happy Father's Day!
Isaiah 45:21 & 43:11, John 10:30
Life change; Trinity Father
Heal Me YHWH Lord, I Pray


Psalm 41:2-3; Exo 3:14
Honor & Worship Prayer
Psalm 66 Honor Song
Simple pray for God's help to... |
Hosea 6 Returning
Reminds of James 4:8 RUN to God |
Hosea 6 = PROPHECY of Resurrec.
PS-110 |
How To Pray Constantly |
1 Thes 5:17, John 14:26, Rom 8 |
"Practice of the Presence of
God" by Brother Lawrence |
32-245 |
Hugging Jesus PRAYER |
Matt 23:37, Deut 32:11-, Ps 36:7 |
Jesus Himself describes: Wings
32-122 |
If It Were Not For |
Psalm 124 |
A church song of Praise: Ps. 124 |
35-190 |
In God I Trust... IF


John 15, John 8:44
We INSULT if we add an "IF"
Isaiah 1 Tornado Warning |
Quoting God's Warnings to ALL |
& God's URGING to believe Before.. |
12-6-2013 |
Isaiah 2 LORD's Day Coming
Psalm 53, Matt 25-25 (Jesus) |
Warnings not for ALL of "too late"
PS-070 |
Isaiah 3 Choosing Sodom
Isaiah 3:8-11, but begin with vs 1
Proud of sinning were God's people
Isaiah 5 Vineyard Singing
Isaiah 5:4-7, God cries: What |
MORE could I have DONE for them? |
35-057 |
Isaiah 42 Bringing Messiah
Matt 12:20, John 1, 1 Cor 15:6 |
Prophecy: "Servant" NOT=Israel |
PS-060 |
Isaiah 42 Bruising & Healing
Gen 3:15 Companion song> Is 42 |
Satan BRUISED us, how God... :) |
PS-062 |
Isaiah 51 Testing Righteousness
Isaiah 51, John 12:44 on
..Protects Followers...
Isaiah 53 Hiding Messiah |
Ignored by priests who love other.. |
prophecy chapters of Isaiah |
PS-052 |
Isaiah 56 PT 1 Gathering Gentiles
Romans 11 Grafted In; Hos 2:23
PART 1 Song: God always planned!
Isaiah 56 PT 2 Keeping Sabbath
Comfort also to Gentiles: Blessings! |
PART 2 Song of long Promises! |
It Takes More Faith


Mark 13:19; Romans 1
Statistics & Creation
It's Not Satan's Fault |
1 Cor 10:13, Eph 6:10, 2 Peter 1:3 |
WE made a CHOICE to sin. |
33-182 |
Jeremiah 5 Questioning the Nation


YHWH God says... Isaiah 1:15
He WON'T hear us if...
Jeremiah 27 Good
Ignoring Prophets |
also Jer 28:15-16 What God does
to Prosperity teachers. Amos 3:7 |
Acts 17, God praise us who STUDY
teacher's words ag scriptures |
37-076 |
Jeremiah 48 Comparing MOAB
Sins of Nation God Judged |
Why would USA NOT be judged? |
Joy Is NOT "Not Caring"
1 Peter 5:7-20; Matt 6
Amid sadness for people
"Just Say No" Isn't So Easy |
Isaiah 61:1 of JESUS; 1 John 1 |
Yet TRULY easy.. with God's help |
32-243 |
Keep Your River Stones Close |
Joshua 1-4 True Story of Jordan |
Journals etc: Remember=Peace |
32-004 |
Law In Our Hearts |
Jer.31:33, Matt 5:19, Rev 14:12
John 15:10, 1st John 5:2 |
Malachi 3:6 God who never
changes says KEEP His Law. |
34-142 |
Let Yourself Cry
Isaiah 61:1, Eccl 3:4, Jam 4:8 |
Man or woman; Jesus Wept. |
31-170 |
Lies We Say ("I'm Fine")
Hebrews 4, 2nd Cor 1, John 16:33 |
Be honest = type of Witness |
34-066 |
Lighting Cigars on Hell's Fire
2nd Peter 2 and 3 |
Real whether believed |
Lion's Den Walking |
Psalm 22:21-, Romans 8 end |
People WATCH us face lions w God
32-090 |
Marshmallow World Walking |
Heb 12:1-3; James 1 |
Hard makes easier to go far, fast |
9-008 |
Media Control & Israel |
Zeph 12:3, Ezekiel 36, Psalm 2 |
LOGIC: God *Prophesied* that all
nations wd hate Israel; Media help |
32-142 |
Miracles After Obedience
John 5:25
Miracles & Eternal Life after. |
Mission DRIFTING Churches
Matt 28:20, Acts 4:29-31 = Mission
Called to REFLECT but not = Mssn |
Moon of Silver Unseen |
Isa 13:10, Mat 24, Joel 2:10 & 3:15 |
Sad Prophecies of Dark Moon 2B |
32-340 |
Morning Dedication Prayer |
Phil. 4:11-12, 19-20, 1 Thes. 5:17 |
Actual Prayer for THRU The Day... |
8-154 |
Mortgaged Souls Hope PARABLE
Romans 6:23, Matt 13 |
Like scam loan: Price keeps rising
6-20-14 |
My Dad Sent a Letter |
2nd Timothy 3:16 |
God's Bible is His Love Letter |
My Gift To God PRAYER |
1 Chron 29:14, Eph 2:8-9, Luke 11 |
Only gift we can God give is "ME" |
32-069 |
My Ruler Waltz |
Matt 23:37, Ps 119, Exo 20 Laws |
God loves; Still condemns all who
32-172 |
NAOMI Bitter to Savior
Ruth 1:13-21; Rom 8:28
Don't MALIGN God's Name! Blessed
Nary a Bird Prophecy |
Luke 12:6-9, Matt 12:35-6, Matt 33 |
God in love warns of STORMS. |
37-076 |
Never Enough Answers |
2 Tim 4:2-5, Zec 7:11-12, Eze 33 |
Even Jesus couldn't convince some
34-132 |
New Year's Prayer ALL YEAR |
Romans 8:26, 28; Phil 4 JOY |
Holy Spirit even helps us pray |
32-134 |
Nightmare Insomnia Prayer |
Pro 3:19-26; Ps 3:4-5 & 4:8; Is 26 |
End: Blessed w more Time w God |
32-176 |
No Excuse When Confused |
Rom 1:20, Ps 146:8, James 1:5 |
Logic Parable of professors |
32-032 |
No Return Gifts
1 Pet 2:9-12, Prov 3:5-7
Oft Q: Why won't God use me? |
No Soothing Sins
2nd Tim 4, Ezekiel 33
It's EVIL to comfort re sins
"No Truth" They Say
2nd Timothy 2: 14-19
Ridiculous: "Truth to SOME people" |
25 Feb '17 |
Nobody's Born an Atheist
Titus 2:11, Rom 1 End
God reveals Himself to ALL!!!
Noodle Man Gospel Plans |
Ezekiel 33- God WARNS churches> |
WARN. No "marketing plans" focus |
37-065 |
Not All Music of Praise
Daniel 3:14-15 WARNING |
Music is used for false gods too. |
31-200 |
Not Gonna Die Before |
John 14:2, Psalm 23
Why fear? GOD in Control!
Not Just Some Days
Psalm 23 all week long!
FUN Song- Mercy all my Days
Nothing More Prayer |
Psalm 104:1 & many more! |
Don't always be ASKING God. |
16-331 |
Number Less To God
Psalm 147 Each Star Named
FUN- Types of #s you're NOT
31-304 |
Obstacles Are Just |
James 1:2-5; Heb 12; Prov 3:5-7 |
God uses to guide to better Way |
32-182 |
"O.K. With Failure" PRAYER |
Ephesians 3:7; 16-21... Fits end
of Heb 11: Died w/o "success"
but NOW God's example for US! |
WILLING to see no "success"
in your Life if that's GOD's Plan |
32-153 |
Old New Age
Nothing New: Philosophies |
Open Carry God's Weapons
2 Cor 10:3-4, Eph 6:10-18 |
Let Satan see he'll lose, you're... |
34-074 |
ORIGINAList Foundation Standing |
Psalm 119 Bible= God's Word.
1 Cor 3:8-11; Eph 2:19 on;
2 Tim 3:16; 2 Peter 3:15-18 |
New word MOCKS those who
Stand on Original Words of
Bible & of Constitution of U.S. |
32-360 |
Overwhelming Praise Prayer
John 3:16, 1st John 3:16
Song of Praise for God's Gifts |